Advanced Enterprise Solutions (AES)

Advanced Enterprise Solutions (AES) is an exclusive distributor of Sage products in Malawi and Zambia. Their accredited resource teams have specialised skills in Sage Evolution, Sage Pastel Partner and Sage Partner Payroll. The highly experienced consultants focus on assisting organizations to evolve and implement integrated business and customer management solutions to meet their business and technology needs.  

Some of the clients AES (Malawi) support on Sage Evolution are:

Examples of Sage Evolution clients supported by AES (Zambia) include:

Clients that are currently supported by AES (Malawi) on Sage Pastel Partner include:

AES (Zambia) clients on Sage Pastel Partner include:

Some of the clients AES (Malawi) supports on Sage Pastel Payroll are:

Sage Pastel Payroll clients supported by AES (Zambia) include:

In the pursuit of providing better Sage Pastel support and services, AES recently become an associate of Pastel Software Zimbabwe, a division of Chips Business Solutions, Zimbabwe.  The business now has access to Chips Zimbabwe’s accredited resource team with specialised skills in branch accounting, business intelligence and report writing, retail point-of-sale and custom development around Sage Evolution. The agreement with Chips Zimbabwe also gives AES access to Chips’s dedicated training centre.